Plaques With Purpose: Enhancing Your Business Through Engraving

So, you need some plaques for your business? We got you. We know, you're not looking for just any old plaque, but one with brand personality and pizzazz. A good plaque that will help people have a positive experience with your business, and keep them coming back for more. Here at Great Big Graphics, our goal is to help businesses grow by increasing their brand quality, and giving them unique distinction among competitors within their industry. In this blog, we will be relaying how plaques can help your business meet these goals as part of the branding process. Here are the 4 basic things to consider when choosing the right plaques for your business.
The first thing you should take into consideration when investing in a professional plaque, is the purpose it will serve your business. Asking yourself (and your team), "what do we want to achieve with this plaque?" will truly get the ball rolling for your newest brand addition.
Are you looking to commemorate an event, like an industry award? Is the plaque informational, to prevent accidents, or provide directions? What does it symbolize?
Purpose is by far the most important thing to take into consideration when choosing a plaque for your business. Once your purpose is clear, the rest of the process will unfold smoothly when you work with a professional.
You've laid the foundation for your plaque by determining its purpose, now it's time to consider where it's going to live. If your plaque is going to be used in an outdoor setting, weather must be taken into consideration. Outdoor plaques, like directional signage, must be able to withstand the elements and not fade in sunlight. An indoor setting, on the other hand, is more flexible in terms of plaque materials and adhesives. Lastly, plaques intended to give directions must be placed in a space that can be read from a distance. These are all factors that professionals will help you carefully consider when determining the best placement for your plaque and business setting.

Size and Shape
The size of the plaque will depend on where it will be placed and what you need to have engraved. If it is a general plaque on an office door, then an average, smaller size would work well. However, if you are looking at recognizing an award winner or memorializing someone in particular, you’ll need a larger plaque in order to fit their name and dates visibly. Plaques come in a variety of sizes and shapes, from rectangular to oval, large and small. Working with an experienced professional will help you determine exactly what shape and size is right for your business’ plaque.
Now for the fun part. The final thing to consider for your plaque is its design. Are you going for timeless and traditional, or creative and unique to your brand? A combination of both? We can help.
When it comes to design, you really need to consider the impact you want your plaque to have on those who see it. For example, if you’re trying to give directions to a conference room in your office building through engraved wayfinding plaques, you’ll want to use on-brand and inviting colors.
On the other hand, if you’re trying to use plaques for engraved electrical signs to alert people of specific hazards, more bold colors will catch viewers' eyes and have a better chance of keeping them out of danger. There’s a lot to consider, which is why contacting an industry professional is the safest way to go.
The Right Plaques for Your Business
Now that we've gone over the basics, it's time to determine the best plaque to meet your business needs. At Great Big Graphics, we offer a variety of custom plaque designs, materials, and sizes to achieve your goals. Here are some of our favorites.
Perpetual Plaques: Perpetual plaques are a great way to acknowledge the winners of an award or incentive program. These plaques are timeless and show employees or team members that they are appreciated for years to come.
Engraved Wayfinding: Your best bet for showing directions inside of your business, or to label individual rooms in other large buildings such as offices, hospitals, or factories.
Engraved Electrical Plaques: Every in-person business needs some electrical signage to label equipment or alert people of specific hazards. These plaques can help prevent injury, fire, shocks in any populated setting.
But it doesn’t stop here. If you’re interested in a custom plaque for your business for a purpose that you don’t see listed above, we’re very happy to work with you and find a way to bring your vision to life. Don’t hesitate to reach out today and work with the pros to make your business plaque ideas a reality.